


「Thank God, It's Friday」

Every Friday night we hold a free-chat session with Representative Director Nakamura.
It's a 1 hour open forum to ask anything and freely discuss work and life.

Just only listening to the discussion, the movement of the company is started from the idea being created by the President.
Colorkrew to recommend the way of open-mind thinking.
The best Open is started from himself.

MVS Training

MVS (MISSION VISION and SPIRITS) is the source and idea of work in Colorkrew.
Colorkrew President Nakamura himself provide training to all employees reagrding the information from other companyies
Each team produce the output related to five SPIRITS and take immediate action in the practice-oriented training to become a definitive edition.

Across-the-aisle lunch

Invite someone to lunch from another team, who you may not even have talked to before, and get a free lunch for both of you!
For the first time of the lunch to create your courage (abbreviated courage lunch ) .

We're a big, happy family!
Create bonds that will generate collaboration and energy.

Casual Seminar

Colorkrew employees have their own "fun knowledge"
Seminar that addressed to Colorkrew workers

The format isa called Each One Teach One.

Using lunch-time period to gather the staff who want to hear
Such a casual gathering

Creating Services

Employees are gathered to be volunteers for taking the challenge role beyond their own
The circle would make the new service.

New services will be born from here!


The day many of Colorkrew enginneers get together, share ideas together and compete as team to generate inovative output.
Teams compete with each other on full day to produce innovative output.

Let's jump over the limit of Colorkrew from now. Anyone can join The Open Event!

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